Friday, March 12, 2010

My Process (the wedding invitations)

I've been asked to show more of my process on here, so you got it.  I'm working on my friend's wedding invitiations.  She wants a fairy representing her with blonde curly hair and the Autumn colors because her wedding will be in October.  Her fiance was in a really terrible car accident a few months ago, so we're drawing him as an owl, but with a bandaged wing. (I think that is adorable). Today I went kind of nuts going crazy with one idea to see if I would be happy with this style and process.  After spending an hour trying to draw a circle in Photoshop  (turned out to just be fixed by complaining... I changed NO settings), it worked.  

We're going to change the colors to be more specific to her dress, and that's fine, because I've left each color in a separate layer.   By making the owl larger, I will have a better oppportunity to work with details and style on the owl. I'm considering making the owl brown and then changing the indications of feathers in a lighter color.    The toughest part is that she wants the owl to be bigger and the fairy to be leaning on the owl. I only have Allan as a human model. I might have to bust out the old wooden human model. haha. 

This was my 5-10 min sketch and pic I took using Photobooth on the Macbook.

This is my first attempt in photoshop. I did it in plain old ball point pen and then scanned and colored it. The colors on the sides are just my temporary color pallet. 

I have to remember to stay simple and cartoony.  This doesn't come natural for me  Fortunately my bride knows this.  I'm also trying to avoid gradation. I later want the leaves on the trees to look similar to those on the dress.  I'm going to put her in a really simple tree. Based on a picture like this:

Btw, my dear Eric.  (He has commissioned another painting).  The reason I am starting this one first is that I need more feedback and then I can get it cracking.  I think we already have a good idea on what we want for your adorable ape painting.