Friday, June 19, 2009

Flower Series

Originally uploaded by nicoleillustration
I'm just starting a flower series. They will all be square images in pencil and ink. This is my first one. i just had two prints made and was going to sell them.... and then I realized they would make great gifts for my two cousins who just graduated high school. It's one of the more universal things that I've done.

I have absolutely nothing to do today, and it's so exciting. I'm going to get so much painting done and maybe start a new flower drawing today.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Originally uploaded by nicoleillustration
I'm in kind of a bummer mood today, so it seems like a good day to post this painting. I did it a couple of years ago as part of a series about teenage corruption and depression. My cousin Tiffany and I were in a motel with my grandma, so we put a ton of eyeliner on her and took pictures in the bathroom. My favorite part is the towels and the subtle shades of white.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Postcards are done!

My promotional postcards are done. I won them through Candace Trew Camling's blog and I'm really happy with them. I am just going to try to hold back on passing them out until is up and running. Thank you, Candace!